Friday, November 18, 2011

New Go Launcher Ex Themes

Lately I have been making more Go Launcher Ex Themes and uploading them to the Android Market. A new ThemeFactory has been released and I encourage Artistically talented people to make a theme or two. If you like my themes please consider buying one of my paid themes as a donation!

GreenDroid Donation

Market Link

Rainbow Circles

Market Link


Market Link 
This is a CM7 Theme I ported to Go Launcher the Original can be found HERE,

Screenshot Gallery of all my Themes
My Go Launcher Theme Thread on XDA

Note: My Zelda Theme and Facebook Theme are no longer on the Market because of Copyright issues so if you want them they can be found in Theem Thread.

1 comment:

Fybre0ptix said...

Argh, the Zelda theme's link is down. I've been searching for it for the last few hours. (Night off, decided to make my phone Zelda themed.)