Wednesday, November 30, 2011

ColorEye App Review

I haven't really done any reviews of any kind for a while so I thought I would do one for an app my friends at Valkoria Software are making. It's a unique idea I don't think I've seen anyone else try and do. The app uses the camera on your Android device to determine what color objects are. It displays the name of the color as well as the RGB and other information. This app is not only useful for Artists but also by people that are color blind in fact many of these people have actually gave this app good ratings and commented that it has helped them quite a bit. Valkoria software is a newly founded software development company in the near future they plan on releasing more apps including one called codename smoke bomb. I look forward to seeing their new apps anyways give ColorEye a try it's pretty awesome!

 Market Download

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Google+ Revolution?

I've been using Google+ for quite a while now and I love it! Google is amazing and they are smart. I think I have a small idea of what they are planning with G+. They have said they will integrate it into all their services and there will be only one login and profile for all of your Google Service needs! What does this mean exactly? Well here is my idea for this. This is very preliminary I might decide to add more to the concept later.

In this mockup it has the new Google Bar (This may not be completely what it looks like because I have yet to receive the new update) that is rolling out right now. I added both YouTube and Blogger Tabs to the profile.

This mockup is how the YouTube tab in a G+ Profile could look integrating the users YouTube Channel into the tab.

The Blogger tab pulls the rss feed from the users blog and shows all their blog posts inside of G+ the user can also choose to create a G+ Page for his Blogger account and have that as a feed for others that want to follow the blog on G+.

These images are simply mockups of some ideas I have for the future of Google+ I hope that you guys like that and hopefully someday similar ideas will be implemented into Google+ creating a services that combines all the Google services in a way that would be easy for everyone!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

New Google+ Page!

    I created a Google+ Page for the blog to try and gain more followers. I hope that more people will start following once again. I'm going to try and start posting more and I also need more writers for my blog so if your interested contact me! This is just for fun it's not a job or anything I just do it for a hobby. Anyways I hope you guys like the blog and what I'm posting hopefully I Get more interesting stuff soon!

You can find our page HERE!

Friday, November 18, 2011

New Go Launcher Ex Themes

Lately I have been making more Go Launcher Ex Themes and uploading them to the Android Market. A new ThemeFactory has been released and I encourage Artistically talented people to make a theme or two. If you like my themes please consider buying one of my paid themes as a donation!

GreenDroid Donation

Market Link

Rainbow Circles

Market Link


Market Link 
This is a CM7 Theme I ported to Go Launcher the Original can be found HERE,

Screenshot Gallery of all my Themes
My Go Launcher Theme Thread on XDA

Note: My Zelda Theme and Facebook Theme are no longer on the Market because of Copyright issues so if you want them they can be found in Theem Thread.